The sections below describe how we collect, process and store personal information. Our goal is to be transparent with regards to the way we handle personal data and to protect information in accordance with the relevant legislation. This Privacy Policy will be updated as required.
We only keep information that is necessary to comply with current legislation and provide our program participants with services related to their exchange program and host family/school placement, invoicing, sending relevant program information and documentation and sending participant information to our overseas partner offices. This information is:
Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about program information, updates, discounts or changes to this privacy policy.
The collection of personal data is done in one of the following ways:
We store your data in accordance with applicable laws. In line with the Accounting Act §10, we store the personal data for 5 years, calculated from the end of the relevant financial year in which the program was completed.
Only trusted employees who have a professional reason have access to all or part of the stored personal data. These are:
In order to process payments, we only disclose information that is essential for completing the payment and identifying the payer.
All data collected in digital form is stored in ASSE’s databank by Google Cloud Service.
Only trusted employees and technical partners with whom a data processing agreement has been made have limited access to data and only to the extent necessary for providing a good service.
Any personal data that is received via e-mail is stored on Office 365 Cloud, which is covered by Microsoft’s current guarantee for data security.
On ASSE’s website, we use Cookies for Google Analytics in order to improve the website’s features and statistics. No information that can identify individuals is stored in our cookies. The cookies we use include contain information about, amongst others:
Visitors on our website indicate their acceptance of these statistics cookies. If you turn cookies off in your browser, you will still be able to use our website.
Instructions on how to delete or block cookies are usually found in your browser’s help file.
If you use one of our IT services that require a login, your actions will be registered in our log files. This registration is in accordance with current legal requirements regarding the registration of activities in IT systems in order to prevent misuse and hacking. These digital trails are stored for a maximum of 5 years in accordance with the agreement with our data processors.
In accordance with the applicable legislation, everyone is guaranteed the following rights:
If you contact ASSE regarding one of the above points, within one month, you will be notified about what we intend to do with regards to your inquiry. For example, if you request your information to be corrected or deleted, we will usually check that all the relevant conditions have been met, including whether there is a legal basis for the continued processing of data. If we conclude that the objection is justified, we will comply with the request.
For enrolments, invoicing and bookkeeping, we do not need to obtain consent to process data as its legality (See Article 6, EU Data Act) is derived from the necessity of processing data to be able to fulfil the contract.
However, in order to collect personal data for other purposes, e.g. supplementary information regarding a different program or for signing up to receive our newsletter or e-mail promotions, we may request consent if necessary.
Consent may be in writing or verbal, but we must be able to document that consent has been given. In most cases, this consent will take the form of a check box on our website or during the enrolment process, when our IT systems will record the time and form. Consent may also be given via email or other digital communications.
When giving consent, you will be informed about the details, including the purpose and the retraction process.
We ensure that any data is stored safely and discreetly.
The organisational security measures mean that only ASSE Danmark’s trusted persons with a relevant professional purpose have access to your personal information. This is in connection with course enrolments, course administration, invoicing and communication. In addition, our teachers have limited access to your personal information. This is only information that is relevant for conducting the course (See point 6 above).
Our staff are guided and instructed about data security on an ongoing basis. This includes how to handle and protect information.
The technical security measures are linked to our use of IT systems for the registration and administration of participant data. Our data is securely located and has the required level of protection. All communication (for example, enrolments and payment) that occurs on our website is protected by authenticated security certificates with a 256-bit encryption key. A backup of the data is performed on a daily basis. is owned and operated by ASSE International, Inc. Any complaints about the way in which ASSE processes personal data, objections or questions concerning the Personal Data Policy should be addressed to the Data Manager:
ASSE International, Inc.
228 North Coast Highway
Laguna Beach, CA 92651 USA
Du skal være minimum 15 år eller ældre, og max 18 1/2 år ved afrejse. Du skal være parat til at tilpasse dig et fremmed lands forskellige værdier, livsstil og holdninger. Du skal have bestået 9. Klasses afgangseksamen, være sund og rask og have gode karakterhenvisninger. Være en aktiv deltager i familiens, skolens og samfundslivet i dit valgte land. Det er en oplevelse, du vil huske og værdsætte for resten af dit liv.
ASSE Danmark
Vesterbro 18, 2. sal
9000 Aalborg
+45 71 74 90 90
CVR-NR: 41182733
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